- Producer – Ivan Lopatin
- Director – Sergey Frunze
- Scriptwriter – Sergey Frunze
- Director’s assistant – Anna Smishlyaeva
- Director of photography – Vladimir Likov
- Director of photography 2 – Anton Likov
- Visual effects’ specialist – Nikolay Chernigovskiy
- Lamp man – Vasiliy Rizhov
- Stunt – Vitaliy Stetzun
- Photographer – Anton Makoveev
- Cast – “Bastards Duet” Anton Ivanov and Alexey Smirnov
- Storyboarding
- Photo shoots
Filming process
The task was to give a sense of existence and impact of external considerations which we feel while watching 5D films. We suggested the client to use an exaggerated version of animated form, so it allowed us to do almost anything. To knock someone down with the wind, to dump on with snow and etc. Shortly, we were concentrated on the atmosphere and used only those effects that work good on the screen. The filming location allowed us not to use too much of equipment giving the clip a simplicity and conceptual importance. The filing took place in the pavilion and took 24 hours in a row. “Bastards Duet” bared all the director’s tortures, but some scenes couldn’t stand without a stunt. The director of the photography was hurt during the shooting process but continued to work. All the cast and crew had to hang on by the skin of teeth to finish this crazy filming.