Ivan Lopatin – a general manager and a founder of LLC Leevandia Entertainment. Ivan is a member of the Russian Federation’s Cinematographers’ Group, a leader of festivals’ promotion in the Youth Centre of Cinematographers’ Group in the RF; a member of Eurasia Cinema Academy; award-winner of festivals; a nominee for a Tsarskoselskiy reward. A participant of Producer Network in Cannes, Berlinale Talent Campus and other educational programms. Finished Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors as a cinema and TV producer, had been studying on Mossfilm cinema studio. A producer of such films as “F5”, “Norms of life”, “Sea Of Desires”, “Away”, “Ambitious”, “We Are Not Slaves” and others.

Alexander Lutikov is a creative producer, designer, independent artist and a poet in his soul. Alexander’s creative activity has started in 2000 from his job on the television channel Stolitza in the capacity of editing director. After a long time working on the television Alexander found his interest in the design, so his main passion found him itself by the hands of fate. Since that time Alexander has worked with such big companies as Toshiba, L’Oreal, Henkel and others, and proved himself as a true master of his job

Natalia Zimina – a festival agent. Natasha finished the University Of Journalistic And Literature Culture on the faculty of literary translation and editing. She is the best of the best in the world of film festivals that is valuable for our clients. Natasha is also the master of the translation from English into Russian and vice versa, thus, it is her who communicates with international partners. Successful festival destiny of a film lies on Natasha’s shoulders.

Sergei Luksha is our Chinese liaison. He studied International Relations at the Amur State University (Chinese studies department), and attended the International Journalism master degree program at the Saint Petersburg State University. Sergei has lived in China for ten years. He was “Lost in Translation” just once - when he saw the film (one of his favourites, by the way).

Vladimir Boiko – a designer to the bones; according to his words, has fallen into a creativity pot as a child. And legalized his relationship with creativity later on in an art school and then on the faculty of design in Politech college in Novgorod Government University in the name of Yaroslav the Wise. It is noticeable by sites, brochures, posters and DVD he models. But we love him because he brings magnets from all over the world.

Ivan Beklemishev – our IT-specialist; both good at work with living and non-living matter – he works with people and content, although who dares to call our content a non-living matter? More detailed about his work: he is participated in shootings, editing in cinema and media spheres; participating in festivals as a planning and guiding specialist.

Alexander Ermolin – has been editing and shooting since the very childhood; at the age of 10 started with shootings for his friends and family; as a grown-up continued working in cinema industry. Not only as a producer but also as an editing director. He has made more than 20 short films alongside with music clips and videos. Alexander is also a teacher of an author's course «Editing for each and everyone». He deals with Ministry of Culture, receiving distribution certificates. And here comes a surprise: Alexander knows how to build a real plane (he is a constructor engineer of flying machines, aircraft construction specialty).